About James

Graphic Artist
James Sismanes Writer Screenwriter Children's Book Author Imagination Creativity

James Sismanes is an audio and visual storyteller from Melbourne, Australia. A small business owner by day (ImagiWorks Agency, Vision One Technologies) and a full-time creative by night, James is a multi-dimensional make-believer and dreamer of the (almost!) impossible. With over 500+ sales on the acclaimed AudioJungle marketplace, a debut novel (The Art of Being Jonny) and a diverse and unique business/branding portfolio, James is always on the hunt for the next “big idea.”

James’ debut publication (The Art of Being Jonny) is available now from Amazon, Book Depository, Booktopia, Barnes & Noble and all major book stores.

In December, 2021, James’ feature screenplay, “Dr. Claus,” landed on CoverFly’s “The Red List.”

When he’s not writing, producing, designing, sales-pitching and daydreaming like a world-saving superhero, James enjoys eating cheeseburgers and chicken parmigianas, conquering Xbox tournaments, watching F.R.I.E.N.D.S re-runs, catching Pokémon and dealing with the heartache of being a Barça and Cleveland sports fan.